Tropical Rainforests: Living Between The Layers
Life in the World's
Tropical Rainforests
Many animal species live in one layer of the rainforest, but feed or sleep in others.
For Educators: Education Standards Success Criteria
The Life in the World’s Tropical Rainforests video shows you where a variety of species spend most of their time in the rainforest. Some leave those forest layers from time-to-time for a variety of reasons like finding food or water, finding a mate, or laying their eggs. It’s your turn to learn more about rainforest species. Research species found in the video. (More instructions below.)

Example: Black-capped capuchin monkeys lives primarily in the rainforest canopy but descends to the forest floor to gather nuts and seeds, especially in the dry season.
Research and Explore:
- Name 5 species that live in one layer of the rainforest, but do other things like sleep, feed, or lay eggs in other layers
- Describe the purposes for which they use those layers and why?
- What properties of the rainforest invite those species to make use of multiple layers?
Objective: SW identify animals that travel between rainforest layers for various survival.
SW match animals to the layer of the rainforest they live in, and what layers the animal travels to. SW describe why a given animal moves between layers (for example, the tufted capuchin travels to the forest floor for food).
Students use academic vocabulary to talk about animals, their habitats, and how they survive, specifically as it relates to moving between rainforest layers.
Beyond (connection to Activities 3 & 4): Students may independently, or with guidance and support, conduct research on an animal of interest by seeking new books, videos, or other resources with further information.
Students may need adult prompting, visual cues, or other resources to help match animals to the correct layer.
Students may need prompting or modeling from adults or peers to describe how a given layer is helpful to the survival of an animal.
Not Yet
Students may work with an adult or peer to match animal pictures to an identical picture.
Standards by Brandi Bellacicco, May 2024
Copyright © New England Primate Conservancy 2016-2024. You may freely use, copy and share these Learning Activities for educational purposes.
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