About: What We Do
New England Primate Conservancy is an animal protection and wildlife conservation organization
that makes its greatest impact through education
We are driven by a commitment to leave a legacy of hope and tools to build a better tomorrow for all the Earth’s citizens
If we’re kind to animals, we’re more likely to be kind to one another
Biodiversity is Mother Nature’s formula for success
Animals are not disposable commodities
All life is precious

At NEPC, we strive to make the complex science behind animal protection and wildlife conservation easy to understand so that each person can assess, consider, and modify their own impact on the natural world. We pore through science-based publications and “translate” them into language that everyone can embrace. We even succeed at making it fun, when appropriate.
What we each do in our daily lives impacts the future. Every small change in the right direction carries hope. Saving one species saves many.
The goal is responsible stewardship of our planet and her creatures because…education is the heart of animal protection.
In addition to raising awareness about our environmental impact, our humane education programs strive to develop empathy and tolerance toward all creatures, which facilitates the leap to empathy and tolerance for differences in people. Years of study confirm the direct correlation between abuse and neglect of animals and violence against people. Similarly, compassion for our fellow animals can be an indicator of our compassion for each other.
When we protect and advocate for our fellow animals, we are part of a much greater solution.
Our celebrated Primate Species Profiles series is the backbone of our education programs. It is an ever-growing collection of stories of conservation. Our talented team of writers lets you peek inside the natural worlds of our fellow primates. There is no place else that so many primate species are profiled in easy-to-understand, non-scientific, non-academic language that everyone can understand and enjoy. You will discover the relationship between how our primate cousins live, where they live, how their habitats nurture them, and how they, in turn, enrich their ecosystems. You may be surprised by what you’ll learn!
Making science fun!!!
We develop project-based lessons and activities that allow students to work individually or in teams, depending on your needs, objectives, and goals. Students actively engage in real-world and personally meaningful activities. Standards-based, the lessons encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, self-management, project management, and collaboration.
And they’re not just for students! Anyone can enjoy them.
The dichotomous key lesson featured here is one of many. Some lessons and activities are specifically primate-themed and some are more broadly conservation-themed.
Then there’s our “What is Nature?” series which offers the basics of “How Nature Works” so kids can understand what they need to protect and why. They can learn how to build a pollinator garden or a bug hotel to help nature along in their backyard or community garden.
And there’s more. You’ll find curricula that can span a couple of weeks of study (and fun), card games or a web-based scavenger hunt to fill a few hours, or simple coloring activities that can last as long as you like.
All can be applied across multiple academic disciplines. Very importantly, the lessons are engaging, with games, graphics, videos, and more. Best of all, we offer them for free.
We like this quote by the Dalai Lama:
Education is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society. Compassion and peace of mind bring a sense of confidence that reduces stress and anxiety, whereas anger and hatred come from frustration and undermine our sense of trust. Because of ignorance, many of our problems are our own creation. Education, however, is the instrument that increases our ability to employ our own intelligence.
The Dalai Lama, 2012