Bring NEPC into your classroom, school, library, or organization with our informative educational webinars. Presentations address the needs for primate and habitat protection specifically and environmental protection in general. Loaded with captivating graphics, videos, and engaging narratives, the presentations’ primary themes include primate conservation, the importance of biodiversity, the importance of nonhuman primates to biodiversity, how to use the NEPC website to discover just about anything you may want to know about your favorite primates, and what everybody everywhere can do in their daily lives to positively impact wildlife protection and environmental conservation. The presentations encourage students to consider careers in conservation. At the same time, they illustrate how everyone can be conservationists every day, despite one’s chosen career paths. You don’t have to be a scientist to be a conservationist!

With over eight billion people in the world, even if millions jumped on board and did one small thing each day on behalf of conservation, the impact could be tremendous!

Interested in a webinar for your students or conservation group? Contact us below. (Please schedule at least 2-3 weeks in advance. Thanks!)


The ashy red colobus, Piliocolobus tephrosceles, also known as the Ugandan red colobus, is Endangered.

Copyright ©New England Primate Conservancy 2023