Hairy-Eared Dwarf Lemur, Allocebus trichotis
Allocebus trichotis

Geographic Distribution and Habitat
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs are named for the distinctive tufts of hair around their ears, which set them apart from other dwarf lemur species. Like all lemurs, they are found only on the island of Madagascar, a globally recognized biodiversity hotspot off the southeastern coast of Africa. They are the sole representative of their genus, Allocebus.
This species’ elusive nature makes sightings rare, contributing to a lack of data and overall understanding of its distribution. Individuals have been observed in the forested regions of northern and central-eastern Madagascar. For many years, it was believed that hairy-eared dwarf lemurs lived only in lowland forests, but more recent observations have placed them at higher altitudes as well, up to 5,250 feet (1,600 m) above sea level.
As arboreal animals, dwarf lemurs rely on trees and shrubs for movement, foraging, and nesting. Their preferred habitat is undisturbed primary rainforest, but as these forests become increasingly rare in Madagascar, they are increasingly found subsisting in degraded forests and even plantations. They depend on tree hollows as sleeping sites—features that take long periods to form and are typically found in mature trees.
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs may be more sensitive to human disturbances than some of their dwarf lemur cousins, as they are rarely seen outside mature forest stands. While they make use of all layers of the canopy, they prefer areas with dense vegetation, where tangles and well-established vines keep them hidden. These plant structures also serve as natural bridges between forest levels, allowing them to move efficiently and escape predators when needed.
The IUCN currently recognizes ten distinct species of dwarf lemurs, all of which were once classified under the genus Cheirogaleus. However, as our understanding of their diversity has grown, so has their taxonomic classification.
The journey to uncovering this diversity has been long and complex. Western researchers first described dwarf lemurs in 1812, and while it was clear early on that more than one species existed, a lack of field research stalled deeper insights for much of history. For many years, western knowledge of dwarf lemurs was based entirely on museum specimens—many of which had unclear or unreliable origins.
In 1967, closer examination of skull and dental features led scientists to reclassify the hairy-eared dwarf lemur into its own genus, Allocebus. More recently, advances in genetic research have further refined our understanding, revealing several additional Cheirogaleus species.
Until recently, few researchers had ever observed dwarf lemurs in the wild. The hairy-eared dwarf lemur, perhaps the most elusive, was even thought to be extinct until 1991, when living individuals were rediscovered. This marked the first documented observation of the species alive!

Size, Weight, and Lifespan
Dwarf lemurs are called “dwarf” lemurs for a reason. These primates are small—though not as small as their close relatives, mouse lemurs. While the average male is slightly larger than the average female, their measurements overlap significantly. In an interesting twist, the smallest individuals ever measured have been males.
Head and body lengths range from 4.9 to 6.2 inches (125-158 mm) for males and 5.1 to 5.7 inches (130-145 mm) for females. Dwarf lemurs are known for their impressively long tails. In hairy-eared dwarf lemurs they range from 4.8 to 7.6 inches (123-195 mm), effectively doubling their overall length in some individuals. Males weigh an average of 2.9 ounces (83 g), while females average 2.7 ounces (78 g).
These elusive creatures are hard to track in the wild, making it difficult to determine their lifespan. Current research does not provide a definitive average lifespan for dwarf lemurs, but their reproductive strategy—prioritizing multiple offspring over heavy investment in individual young—suggests they may have relatively short life expectancies compared to other primates. In addition, some species in the Cheirogaleus genus face high predation risks due to their small size. Whether the same holds true for hairy-eared dwarf lemurs is unclear, as their behaviors and survival strategies remain largely unclear.
Dwarf lemurs have a distinct ‘prosimian’ appearance, with small bodies, large eyes that seem almost too big for their heads, and nimble fingers that tightly grasp the branches they navigate. Their remarkably long tails add to their unique charm.
Slightly smaller than other dwarf lemurs, hairy-eared dwarf lemurs are often mistaken for juveniles of Cheirogaleus species with whom they are sympatric. However, they can be distinguished by the distinctive tufts of hair that conceal their tiny ears. They are also frequently seen with their tails curled—an uncommon sight in other species. Their tails are thinner than those of other dwarf lemurs, and their movements are notably different, more comparable to mouse lemurs.
In terms of coloration, dwarf lemurs tend to have neutral-toned pelage, helping these small, vulnerable creatures avoid unwanted attention from predators. While foraging for tree gums, a hairy-eared dwarf lemur’s brownish-gray back, marked with a subtle black stripe, is hardly noticeable. His white underside becomes visible when, clinging to a branch, he balances on his hind legs and reaches out with his forelimbs to snatch moths from the air.
It’s important to note that in the pitch-black forest at night—when dwarf lemurs are active—these muted colors appear considerably duller than they do in photographs.

Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs have an omnivorous diet, feeding on a variety of plant-based foods such as fruits, flowers, and tree gums. However, unlike many of their dwarf lemur relatives, they consume a notably high quantity of insects. Small moths appear to be a particular delicacy, but they also prey on larger insects like beetles and locusts.
Other dwarf lemur species are known to hibernate during the dry season when food becomes scarce, storing fat reserves in their tails, which become noticeably plumper as hibernation approaches. Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs, however, are not known to hibernate, and their tails appear to stay trim throughout the year.
Behavior and Lifestyle
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs are tree-dwelling primates. Though they may not look like much, their tiny, nimble fingers are adept at grasping the branches and trunks of trees they navigate. Their long tails provide impressive balance as they clamber and climb. Small and light in weight, they are able to traverse the thicker branches of the canopy as well as the thinner branches of the understory, making all levels of the forest accessible for traveling, foraging, and nesting.
Dwarf lemurs’ small size makes them vulnerable to predation by carnivores like Madagascar’s endemic fossas and native ring-tailed mongooses, so they have developed several adaptations and behaviors to help them remain hidden. Key to this strategy, known as crypsis, is their (mostly) solitary lifestyle. While many primates adopt a safety-in-numbers approach—traveling and foraging in large groups—this tends to make them more conspicuous. In contrast, cryptic species like dwarf lemurs minimize the risk of drawing attention to themselves by choosing to forage alone.
Dwarf lemurs further ensure their ability to remain undetected by being active at night. Not only are they less noticeable under the cover of darkness, but the number of potential threats is also greatly reduced. During the day, they nest in tree hollows, which they line with soft leaves for bedding.
Dwarf lemurs do not excavate these hollows themselves but instead take up residence in naturally occurring cavities. Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs pay careful attention in order to select hollows that provide natural protection against predators, favoring those with small, well-hidden entrances, thick walls, and deep recesses. Such structural features are more important than canopy level, and they almost exclusively choose hollows in large, living trees rather than dead ones.
Researchers studying the sleeping habits of hairy-eared dwarf lemurs have observed that individuals often abandon a sleeping site after being captured there. This behavior suggests an additional anti-predator strategy. Rather than using a single nest, these primates remain loyal to a small number of sleeping sites, which they rotate regularly. By varying their resting places, they make it less likely that a predator will stumble upon their refuge.
During Madagascar’s dry season, sometime between April and November, most dwarf lemurs forgo activity altogether and enter hibernation. They are the only primates known to truly hibernate, and this ability is made possible by their impressive tails, where they store the fat that sustains them during this period of complete inactivity.
Fat-tailed dwarf lemurs (Cheirogaleus medius) hibernate in tree hollows, the same shelters they sleep in during their active months. However, research has since revealed that other species prefer a different strategy: underground burrows, which they dig themselves.
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs, however, are an exception. They are not known to hibernate, though short periods of torpor have been observed in the wild. Curiously, local tribes report that this species all but disappears from the forest between June and September—an observation supported by scientific studies. What changes during this period? The answer has not been confirmed.
For a long time, studies into dwarf lemurs focused primarily on fat-tailed dwarf lemurs, leading to the assumption that all dwarf lemurs hibernated in tree hollows, like they do. But it turns out that hibernation in Cheirogaleus species depends largely on habitat conditions.
In the dry deciduous forests of western Madagascar, where fat-tailed dwarf lemurs live, temperatures fluctuate by as much as 86°F (30°C). This means that even though tree hollows are not well-insulated, the lemurs can take advantage of ambient temperature changes—warming up passively each day without needing to wake from hibernation.
In contrast, eastern dwarf lemur species inhabit rainforests, often at higher altitudes, where temperatures remain consistently cool during the wet season. In these conditions, tree hollows offer little insulation, making them unsuitable for hibernation. Instead, these lemurs dig underground burrows, where the soil provides a more stable and insulated microclimate. The rainforest soils in these regions are rich in humus, giving them a structure that holds together well—perfect for burrowing. By comparison, the drier, sandier soils of fat-tailed dwarf lemur habitat are poorly suited for burrow construction, explaining why those lemurs rely on tree hollows instead.
Dry conditions also last longer in western Madagascar, which means fat-tailed dwarf lemurs hibernate for a much longer period—up to eight months out of the year! By comparison, eastern species only hibernate for 3-6 months, likely based on local conditions.
Interestingly, genetic research strongly suggests that dwarf lemurs originally evolved in high-altitude rainforest habitats. If true, burrowing may be the ancestral hibernation strategy, while tree-hollow hibernation represents a later adaptation to drier environments.
How, then, do hairy-eared dwarf lemurs stay active year-round, despite seasonal changes? One possible factor could be their highly insectivorous diet—perhaps they can find enough food even in the dry season to make hibernation unnecessary. However, this remains an open question, highlighting just how little we know about this elusive species.
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs are considered to be the most elusive primates on the planet.
Like other cryptic primate species that have received limited attention, dwarf lemurs were long assumed to be strictly solitary, with encounters occurring only by chance or for mating. However, research has revealed that a cryptic lifestyle does not necessarily mean these primates are asocial. Instead, these animals maintain their social networks through more discreet means, primarily scent-marking.
Though none of the dwarf lemurs are well-studied, hairy-eared dwarf lemurs appear to have a slightly different social organization than their relatives. Some researchers even find their grouping patterns more comparable to those of the golden-brown mouse lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis) than to other dwarf lemurs.
Whereas most dwarf lemur species maintain exclusive family units consisting of a mating pair and their offspring, hairy-eared dwarf lemurs form “sleeping groups.” These groups range in size from 2 to 6 individuals and frequently include two mating pairs and their young. While members sometimes sleep alone—about a third of the time— they regularly share sleeping sites with other members, fostering close social bonds.
Occasionally, hairy-eared dwarf lemurs are observed foraging together, traveling back to their sleeping site one after the other, or just spending time together in the crown of a tree. Allogrooming and playful behaviors, such as chasing, have also been recorded.
Each member of a sleeping group maintains its own home range, which overlaps significantly with the ranges of other group members. However, hairy-eared dwarf lemurs are not overtly territorial. Different groups have been observed interacting, and these encounters do not typically dissolve into aggression.
Curiously, hairy-eared dwarf lemurs have also been known to share their tree hollows with white-tailed tree rats, an arboreal rodent endemic to Madagascar. Given that good sleeping sites are valuable and not necessarily easy to come by, it is notable that these two species do not compete for exclusive access. Instead, they often nest together peacefully—sometimes even curling up next to one another.
Social creatures like primates need to convey information about their environment and internal states to others of their species. This communication can take many forms, including vocalizations, body language, facial expressions, hand gestures, and olfactory signals (smells). Depending on their survival strategies, different species favor different modes of communication.
Dwarf lemurs are known to produce several vocalizations, including defensive snorts and whistling calls. However, their vocal repertoire is likely more diverse, and research has yet to fully document the range of sounds they produce or their intended meanings.
Like many cryptic species, dwarf lemurs rely heavily on their sense of smell, using scent-marking to signal their presence, mating status, establish territories, and maintain contact with family members. Unlike other primates that have evolved specialized glands to produce strong-smelling secretions, dwarf lemurs take a simpler approach: they use their feces, rubbing it on trees and branches to leave their mark.
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs remain one of the least studied species in this regard, and it is unclear exactly how they use scent-marking. Their vocalizations have been compared to those of mouse lemurs, and when disturbed inside their tree hollows, they emit a loud grunt—likely startling potential predators attempting to enter.
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs form long-term pairs, but these partnerships are not necessarily exclusive. In sleeping groups composed of two pairs, mate-swapping has been observed. In general, forming a close bond appears to be an important factor in mating for these primates, though individuals may sometimes mate outside their group.
Both mating and birth take place during the wet season when an abundance of fruit and other food sources ensures healthy growth and development for offspring. Pairs mate between October and December, and births occur between December and February, suggesting a gestation period of only a few months.
Due to their elusive nature, little is known about the specific mating habits of hairy-eared dwarf lemurs. Because they do not hibernate themselves, it is difficult to infer details from the reproductive patterns of other dwarf lemur species that do.

Many lemurs are considered keystone species in Madagascar. The island’s diverse ecosystems, shaped by a range of physical and climatic factors, have led to a high rate of microendemism. In simple terms, this means that many ecosystems are highly localized and depend on specific species for their stability. The impressive diversity of dwarf lemurs suggests that each species plays a distinct yet crucial role in maintaining the unique ecosystems it inhabits.
As frugivores, dwarf lemurs likely contribute to seed dispersal. The seeds from the fruits they consume pass through their digestive tracts and are deposited in their feces, often far from the parent tree. This process helps regenerate forests by promoting plant diversity and growth. Additionally, small nectar-eating primates are known to play a role in pollination, though this has yet to be thoroughly studied in dwarf lemurs.
While the ecological role of hairy-eared dwarf lemurs remains poorly understood, they are undoubtedly an integral part of their ecosystem. By dispersing seeds and potentially pollinating flowers, they likely help sustain the very plant species they depend on for food. Their diet of insects and other invertebrates may also contribute to population control, supporting overall ecosystem balance. However, much remains to be studied to fully understand their ecological impact.

The hairy-eared dwarf lemur is classified as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2018) and appears on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Hairy-eared dwarf lemurs, like Madagascar’s countless other endemic species, face severe threats from habitat loss and degradation. Between 1973 and 2014, the island lost 37% of its already dwindling forest cover. Much of what was once biologically rich rainforest, home to rare and highly specialized species, has been cleared and replaced with crop monocultures—typically rice. For arboreal species like dwarf lemurs, the loss of their forest habitat is devastating. These animals not only rely on the canopy and understory to navigate their range but also depend on mature trees with hollows for nesting and well-established lianas and tangles to move around.
Though not well-studied in the tropics, the natural process by which tree hollows are created is complex and time-consuming, dependent on the activities of countless other species. In temperate forests, bird and mammal species, such as woodpeckers, may contribute by enlarging existing cavities. Fascinatingly, Madagascar has no woodpecker species, leaving other animals to fill this ecological niche. Among them is the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), a highly specialized lemur that uses its ever-growing incisors to gnaw into trees in search of grubs. The extent to which this contributes to tree hollow formation in Madagascar’s rainforests remains unknown. Because this process unfolds over decades, the loss of mature trees severely limits the availability of suitable nesting sites. As deforestation continues to fragment Madagascar’s forests, finding these essential shelters—critical for hairy-eared dwarf lemurs and many other species—becomes increasingly difficult.
For decades, slash-and-burn agriculture has been the dominant land-use practice in Madagascar. This unsustainable method involves cutting and burning forests to clear land for farming. While the initial burn releases nutrients into the soil, the benefits are short-lived. Within just a few years, the land becomes infertile and prone to erosion. As a result, species-rich ecosystems are being transformed into farmland that remains productive for only a fraction of the time it took them to develop. Once lost, these ecosystems can never fully recover, and the wildlife they supported—including dwarf lemurs—faces an uncertain future.
Habitat fragmentation—where patches of habitat remain but are disconnected from one another—presents its own set of challenges, especially for tree-dwelling primates like dwarf lemurs. When a once-expansive forest becomes fragmented, dwarf lemur populations are isolated, limiting their access to food and other critical resources. This not only reduces their chances of thriving but also forces them into increased competition with one another, which can become physical and potentially deadly.
Additionally, fragmentation restricts their pool of potential mates, leading to genetic bottlenecks. As genetic diversity declines, populations become less viable, with individuals less likely to survive to reproductive maturity. Because dwarf lemurs reproduce and develop relatively quickly for primates, genetic bottlenecks may have the chance to develop more rapidly, heightening the urgency of addressing this threat.
On top of habitat loss and fragmentation, the hairy-eared dwarf lemur also faces direct threats from hunting and the illegal pet trade. Poaching primates often involves the killing of the mother and, in many cases, other members of the family group. As a result, several individuals may be lost so that a single animal can be captured and sold. Furthermore, primates—especially nocturnal species like dwarf lemurs—do not make suitable pets. Most buyers lack the knowledge and resources to properly care for them, leading to extreme stress, malnutrition, self-harm, and premature death. Many primate species are incapable of surviving in captivity, even in well-funded and well-managed zoos. For those lucky enough to be forfeited or rescued, rehabilitating and returning primates to the wild is not only time-consuming but also complex with no guarantee of success.
Endemic to Madagascar, the remaining hairy-eared dwarf lemur populations already occupy a small and fragmented range. This is one of several dwarf lemur species, a group that exemplifies the fascinating and complex processes of natural selection. Each species of dwarf lemur fills a distinct ecological niche, yet little research has been conducted on the nuances of their roles and interactions within their ecosystems. This lack of research poses a threat in itself, as it limits our ability to fully assess the pressures they face—something that has often led to species being underestimated in terms of conservation urgency—and hinders meaningful action to protect them.
As the sole representative of its genus, the hairy-eared dwarf lemur represents a unique lineage that is not only key to understanding dwarf lemurs but also to broader evolutionary processes and ecological interactions—including our own connection to nature as humans. Therefore, conserving this species and the habitats it depends on is paramount.
The hairy-eared dwarf lemur is listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), an international agreement aimed at ensuring that trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Though so elusive it was once believed extinct, since 1994, the species has been observed in several protected areas, including four national parks (Masoala, Mananara-Nord, Marojejy, and Zahamena), as well as multiple reserves and forests, such as Zahamena Strict Nature Reserve, Analamazaotra and Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserves, and Maromizaha and Vohimana Forests.
Currently, there are no conservation initiatives specifically targeting hairy-eared dwarf lemurs or dwarf lemurs in general. However, research—particularly field studies—has increased significantly in recent years. Their fascinating behaviors have likely contributed to growing scientific interest and may also help make them more charismatic to the public than they initially appear.
Fortunately, because many lemur species play crucial ecological roles and often share habitats, targeted initiatives are not always necessary for their conservation. Protecting and restoring forests already goes a long way, and many organizations are working toward this goal. The Lemur Conservation Network, for instance, unites over 60 conservation groups that lead community-based projects across Madagascar.
One such organization, the Dr. Abigail Ross Foundation for Applied Conservation (TDARFAC), operates at multiple levels of conservation, from grantmaking and field training for Malagasy master’s students and researchers to hands-on community engagement in habitat restoration. In particular, it is working closely with local communities to create a reforested eco-corridor between Andasibe-Mantadia National Park and Analamazaotra Special Reserve—two of Madagascar’s most important protected areas and home to 12 lemur species, including the hairy-eared dwarf lemur. The long-term goal is to establish a continuous corridor that supports lemur populations, enhances ecosystem resilience, and improves local livelihoods.
In 2021, during the COP26 United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, Madagascar pledged to “halt and reverse” deforestation by 2030. While critical for lemur conservation, this goal is challenging. Many Malagasy people face poverty, leaving them few economic alternatives to practices like slash-and-burn agriculture, which devastates their island’s ecosystems. Without viable solutions, conservation efforts will continue to face resistance.
Complicating matters further is the risk of biodiversity leakage, a phenomenon where strict environmental regulations in wealthier nations drive industries to shift operations to regions with weaker protections. As these nations work to restore their own biodiversity, demand for timber, agricultural land, and rare minerals often fuels habitat destruction elsewhere, particularly in countries where conservation efforts face financial and political obstacles. Without safeguards, this displacement can undermine global conservation progress.
Critically, the regions most vulnerable to biodiversity leakage are often the most ecologically valuable. Studies show that protecting biodiversity hotspots—regions with exceptionally high species richness and endemism, like Madagascar—yields disproportionately high conservation benefits. These areas not only support unique and irreplaceable species but also provide essential ecosystem services, from carbon sequestration to water regulation, benefiting both local communities and the global climate.
Ensuring that local communities have viable economic alternatives to deforestation and unsustainable land use is essential. Sustainable, well-funded conservation programs must go hand in hand with policies that prevent biodiversity-rich regions from becoming regulatory havens. Investing in these hotspots is not just an ethical responsibility—it is one of the most effective strategies for preserving global biodiversity.
For species like the hairy-eared dwarf lemur, whose survival depends on Madagascar’s rapidly shrinking forests, these efforts are particularly urgent. While this elusive primate persists in several protected areas, habitat loss remains its greatest threat. Without sustained investment in conservation initiatives—such as reforestation efforts, eco-corridors, and community-driven land stewardship—this species, along with many others, risks being pushed toward extinction. Protecting biodiversity hotspots is not just about saving individual species; it is about maintaining the delicate ecological networks that sustain them.
Written by Zachary Lussier, March 2025