Pollinators: Build a Bug Hotel

2. To make sure your hotel is protected from the rain, seal the back with a wooden board. I reused leftover wood chip board and nailed it to the back of my old bookshelf.

3. Now that you have a sealed frame, it’s time to choose your nesting materials. I have chosen a selection of nesting materials for bees, butterflies, bugs, beetles, and lacewings, because each type has a role in keeping your pollinator garden healthy.

5. You’re almost there… You need to cover the front of your hotel with wire or netted material to keep your nesting material in place and prevent predators from getting into the hotel. I have chosen to reuse the netting that my oranges came in from the supermarket. You might have noticed a theme with my “Bug Hotel”—it’s all made from leftover or waste material.

6. Now it’s time to place your hotel in the garden. Find a place that gets sun and shade with protection from the winds and rain. Check out my pollinator garden layout to see where I have placed my hotel.

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